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Aastha Ayurvedic Clinic
Aastha Ayurvedic Clinic


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Aastha Ayurvedic Clinic
Aastha Ayurvedic Clinic

Migraine: Excruciating headache

Migraine: Excruciating headache

Everyone in their life time must have experienced headache. For few it is rare when they don’t get enough sleep, for others after a hard party but for few it a repeated horrible nightmare disturbing personal, and professional life.

What is Migraine

Migraine is an annoying headache that is recurrent and is accompanied by common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, glare before eyes. Migraine headache are very prevalent throughout globe. The ratio of women suffering from migraine is three times higher than men. Though it is prevalent in families but many times no hereditary relationships are seen.

What are the main causes of Migraine ?

There are a lot of theories about causative factors and pathology in migraine headache.

  1. Changes in brain chemicals mainly serotonin
  2. Abnormal changes in blood flow in Brain arteries and veins The most common triggers for migraine are:
  • Intake of C’s…..Coffee, chocolates and citrus fruits/foods
  • Exposure to glare, and noise, excessive humid and hot environment
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hormonal changes: most prevalent during menstrual cycle
  • Emotional stress

What are most common symptoms of Migraine?

  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Most of the time Half sided headache (may be both sided as well sometimes)
  • Recurrence in headache
  • Severe throbbing type Headache that persists from 3 hours to 72 hours
  • Extreme sensitivity to light, noise and
  • Feeling very tired after headache

What Ayurveda says about Migraine

Ayurveda being a Holistic medical science has very different and interesting viewpoint about Migraine, its causes, treatment and prevention. In Ayurveda separate topic of Shirah shool Or Headache has been found. Among many types of headaches migraine has been mentioned as “Ardhavabhadaka” Ardhavabhaedaka or half sided headache is presumed to be due to aggravated Tridoshas but mainly vata #(Tridoshas namely Vata , Pitta, and Kapha are three bioenergies that control the body)

What are the main viewpoint about Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda Migraine is managed mainly on lines of managing Tridosha headache. Ayurveda recommends to avoid sun exposure, noise, glare, plunging in cold water, and smoking to prevent Migraine. There are remedies that can relax the nerves and bring about chemical balance to sooth the circulation in Brain preventing turmoil triggering Migraine. Nasya therapy or nasal insufflation is a technique unique in Ayurveda to manage brain disorders. Mainly medicated oils but sometimes other medications as well are administered through nasal route to balance the energies in brain area. In practice people suffering from gastritis are seen more prone to migraines so medicines to handle the gastritis issues are also important during migraine management.

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